What is a Blockchain? Types of Blockchains Explained

We will discuss the different types of blockchains and their benefits. Know more about the revolutionary technology that is a blockchain

Blockchain technology is the latest evolution of distributed ledger technology and has the potential to revolutionize a variety of industries. If you’re new to blockchain, this article will help you understand the basics of blockchain, the types of blockchain networks in use today, and the benefits of blockchain technology. By the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding of blockchain technology, how it works, and the various applications it has in the future. So read on to learn more!

Blockchain networks explained

A blockchain network is a digital database that allows for secure and transparent transactions. It serves as a cryptocurrency transaction ledger. Transactions are verified by network nodes and then recorded in the blockchain. Nodes utilize the general ledger to distinguish genuine crypto transactions from efforts to re-spend coins that have previously been spent elsewhere.

The blockchain’s fundamental use is to execute transactions in a secure network. As a result, blockchain and ledger technologies are used in varied applications. To prevent unauthorized access to essential data, multichain can be set up. However, it is only accessible to authorized entities inside the organization and is not available to the general public. Therefore, it depends on the organization that will use it for their work.

Key features of blockchain technology

Several key features of blockchain technology make it a powerful tool for secure and transparent transactions.

  1. Distributed ledger: Blockchain networks are decentralized, meaning any entity or group of commodities does not control them. This makes them more difficult to hack and tamper with than centralized systems, where data is centrally stored and monitored.
  2. Secure: Transactions on a blockchain network are verified by network nodes before they can be added to the public ledger, making the network highly secure. In addition, cryptography secures all digital transactions on the network against fraudulent activities.
  3. Transparent: All network nodes can view the blockchain, making it highly transparent. This makes it easier for people to understand how cryptocurrencies are used and traded.
  4. Immutable: Once a transaction is recorded on the blockchain, it cannot be altered or deleted. This provides a permanent record of all transactions that take the pressure off of companies and organizations to keep track of multiple different databases.
  5. Decentralized: The blockchain network is decentralized, meaning no central authority controls the network or verifies transactions. This allows for peer-to-peer transactions without the need for third-party verification. Blockchain technology types

Advantages of using blockchain :

  • Users are more confident in it because of its simplicity.
  • When data is secured, it provides additional assurance.
  • Lower the manufacturing costs.
  • Enhanced speed.
  • Tokenization
  • It offers unalterable records.
  • Smart contracts
  • It allows the network of nodes to grow without compromising the security and integrity of the network.

Disadvantages of using blockchain :

  • It is not possible to modify the data.
  • An extensive database requires a lot of space.
  • If the owner forgets or loses their private key, they will be unable to retrieve it.

Types of blockchain networks

Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we do business. It’s a distributed database that allows for secure, transparent transactions. There are four types of blockchain networks – public, private, Permissioned, and consortium. Public blockchain networks are open to the public, private blockchain networks are private, and consortium blockchain networks are made up of multiple private blockchain networks.

Public blockchain network

A public blockchain network is open to the public, allowing anyone to join the network and make transactions. A network of nodes verifies transactions, and the ledger is immutable – meaning it can’t be changed or tampered with. These features make public blockchains very secure and transparent, making them ideal for business systems. Enterprises can use public blockchain technology to streamline their operations, reduce costs associated with traditional methods, improve the transparency of data stores, etc.


  • Fraud detection algorithms are available. Therefore, the other nodes in the network should not be a concern for participants.
  • The size of this blockchain is significant since it is publicly accessible. Therefore, records are distributed more widely to a large extent.
  • You don’t need to give your name and identity to participate on the anonymous platform, making it a safe place to transact your transaction.
  • There is no single platform that maintains the network. Instead, every user has a copy of the ledger.


  • Because of its massive bulk, the transaction process is processing at a glacial pace. As a result, the process of verifying each node is time-consuming.
  • Proof of Work requires a lot of energy, as seen by the amount of proof. In addition, to participate in the network, you’ll need high-quality computer hardware.
  • There is no central authority to coordinate governments’ responses to the technology. Hence they must act faster.

They may be utilized to replace conventional financial systems and are secured with proof of work or proof of stake. The smart contract, which allowed this blockchain to support decentralization, is the most advanced feature of this blockchain. Bitcoin and Ethereum are two examples of public blockchains.

Private blockchain network

A private blockchain network is used for business transactions. The nodes in the network verify transactions, and the ledger is not immutable – meaning it can be changed or tampered with. While private blockchains offer many of the same benefits as public blockchain networks, they have a few key distinctions:


  • Private blockchains are more secure than public blockchains because they use cryptography to protect data from unauthorized access.
  • They’re also less transparent since network members don’t need permission to join and make transactions. This allows businesses to keep critical information private.
  • Private blockchains are easier to manage and maintain because they don’t require many participants or nodes. This makes the network faster and more efficient since less processing is required.


  • Since private blockchain networks are used for business transactions, the technology can be challenging to adopt outside the financial sector.
  • Additionally, private blockchain networks aren’t as widely used as public ones, which could limit their scalability in the future.
  • Some businesses might be unable to use private blockchain networks because they need to share information with other network members.

This blockchain has the potential to secure data without exposing it to the public eye if it is securely maintained and protected. Internal auditing, voting, and asset management are all examples of how companies utilize them. Hyperledger and Corda are two examples of private blockchains.

Hybrid blockchain

A hybrid blockchain is a type of blockchain that combines the features of both public and private blockchains. This allows for greater scalability since the network can support more participants and transactions.

However, privacy is sacrificed to achieve this scalability, which could be a concern for some businesses.


  • Hybrid blockchain networks are more versatile than private ones because they can be used for various applications.
  • This makes them more appealing to businesses that need flexibility regarding their technology.


  • The network is less secure since private information isn’t as concealed on a hybrid blockchain network as on a private blockchain network.
  • Additionally, the technology could be slower and harder to use if the participants don’t have experience with cryptocurrencies or smart contracts.

The healthcare industry, the government, real estate, and finance are all beneficiaries of this approach. When data is publicly accessed but privately shielded, it offers a solution. Ripple network and XRP token are two examples of hybrid blockchains.

Consortium blockchain network

A consortium blockchain network is a type of blockchain network that allows multiple organizations to work together. This type of network differs from a private blockchain network because the participants are not required to share the same technology or agree on the network’s rules.

Instead, they need to agree on how data will be shared and who will have access to it. The consortium can be made up of public or private entities. The use case for consortium chains is multi-party sharing of information where the trust needs to be established between various actors to work together efficiently. IBM Blockchain is an example of a consortium blockchain network.


  • The consortium can be more secure because it comprises multiple organizations aware of the network’s rules and protocols.
  • It can be faster since it doesn’t require everyone to agree on the same technology or use the same software.
  • It can be more efficient because it allows multiple parties to collaborate without trust.


  • The consortium node requirement is higher than for a private blockchain network. This means that the consortium chain will require more resources from the organizations that want to participate.
  • The consortium blockchain network may not be as secure since it is open to attack by third-party actors.
  • The consortium blockchain network may not be as private since it is public.

Businesses, banks, and other payment processors have a lot of potentials. Since it is a federated solution that fits their needs, food tracking of the organizations frequently collaborates with their sectors. Tendermint and Multichain are two examples of how blockchain works together.

Industries that benefit from various blockchain networks

Several industries can benefit from blockchain technology, including the following:

  • Banking
  • eCommerce
  • Supply chain management
  • Food tracking and tracing
  • Payment processors
  • Food tracking
  • Consortium chains

Concerns surrounding blockchain technology

There are many concerns surrounding blockchain technology, the most common of which are security and privacy. People are worried about the technology’s potential to leak private information and the risk of blockchain being hacked. Additionally, there are concerns about the technology’s scalability and how the public will accept it. However, technology is still in its early days and has the potential to change the way we do business. So, blockchain technology concerns are mainly based on assumptions and speculation rather than hard evidence. With time, blockchain technology may be able to address some of the problems that people have. In the meantime, please do your research to understand the technology and its concerns better.

How do you choose which blockchain to use for your project?

There are several factors to consider when choosing the suitable blockchain for your project, including the type of application you’re building, the network’s capabilities, and the technology’s scalability. Additionally, it is essential to consider the network’s public or private.

Public blockchains are open to anyone who wishes to join the network and use the services offered by the blockchain. This type of network is best suited for applications that need to be publically accessible, such as a digital ledger of ownership or transactions. Bitcoin is an example of a public blockchain platform.

Private blockchains are only accessible by designated members of the network, usually, businesses or organizations that have agreed to use the platform’s services. This type of blockchain is better suited for closed networks, such as a consortium of banks that want to use the blockchain to create a shared ledger of transactions. Ripple is an example of a private blockchain platform.

Consortium blockchains are similar to private blockchains in that they are only accessible by designated network members. Still, they also can share data with other consortium members. This type of blockchain is best suited for applications that need permissioned access, such as smart contracts or medical records. Hyperledger Fabric is an example of a consortium blockchain platform.

Do I need to understand cryptography and data structures to use blockchains effectively?

People often think you need to understand cryptography and data structures to use blockchains effectively. Unfortunately, this is not the case! You don’t need to understand these concepts to use blockchains, but if you want to build intelligent contracts or run a full node on the block, you will need some understanding. However, knowing these concepts will help you better understand blockchain. Understanding these concepts can also help you develop a deeper understanding of the technology behind cryptocurrencies.


A blockchain is a distributed ledger of all the transactions that have ever taken place on the network. This ledger is public and can be accessed by all network participants. The key features of blockchain technology include transparency, immutability, and security. As blockchain networks gain popularity, how they can be used is expanding rapidly. This blog has covered the basics of blockchain technology, types of blockchain networks, and the industries benefiting most from it. If you’re interested in learning more about blockchain technology, check our website for more detailed information!