Decentraland held its first public auction in December 2017. Dubbed the ‘Terraform Event,’ the auction was utilized to dispense the primary parcels of LAND to the community. This auction would go on for a month, concluding in early 2018. It wasn’t until 2020 that Decentraland went live, becoming the World’s first-ever fully decentralized blockchain-based virtual World. In celebration of this achievement, the developers held another event and invited its userbase to participate in a treasure hunt that would span four days. Tasked with exploring Decentraland’s first metropolis ‘Genesis City,’ players stormed the gates on the hunt for NFT treasures created by some of Decentraland’s biggest collaborators.
To this day, Decentraland continues to improve itself. Recently, they’ve included an in-game building system that allows you to build and edit scenes within the metaverse in real-time. They’ve also experimented with hosting community-run events like The WonderQuest, which highlights the talented community member Alison Wonderland.
Gameplay Features
Decentraland is an ever-evolving landscape of miscellany. Here it’s possible to find storefronts that sell NFTs across the street from pirates combating zombified ninjas. It is where the fantastic merges with reality, and there are two things you need to acquaint yourself with to experience it in full.
Decentraland Builder
If you want to express your artistic spirit, first, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with Decentraland’s Builder. The Builder is a sophisticated editing tool that allows users to create scenes for use in LAND parcels. Scenes are literally whatever you make of them. You could design a game for people to engage with, or create a serene environment for people to relax and socialize in. the size of the LAND parcel you’re building on.
If you need LAND, then look no further than Decentraland’s marketplace. Here you’ll find a variety of different NFTs. Wearables, LAND, Emotes, and even Names for your avatar are treated as NFTs in Decentraland.
How to earn
It’s more than just a game; Decentraland is a Metaverse. The ways to earn money vary, just like they do in the real world. Players can leverage their LAND, create wearables and NFTs to sell on the marketplace, participate in games and competitions, and even apply for in-game jobs. Some establishments are hiring full-time casino hosts, where you can make up to $200 USD a month.
How to play
Decentraland is a browser-based Metaverse. This means that you can access it in its entirety by simply going to their website, logging into your MetaMask account, signing the smart contract, and then creating an avatar. Once that’s finished, you are free to experience Decentraland at your leisure.
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